This show is an old-school romance with great actors that will leave you wanting more.
It tells the story of a group of students aspiring to get into IIT and their struggles in Kota. The show is so realistic that you'll be on the edge of your seat worrying about them.
A happy family's life falls apart when they receive an eviction notice and start fighting against the authorities, corporations, and the government.
This show explores the harsh realities of Kota. In the second season, it follows a young doctor posted in a village where people distrust public healthcare.
This dark comedy tells the story of a stand-up comedian who thinks his mojo depends on him being a serial killer.
This web series is about a small-town girl planning her escape to the big city. It's a hilarious riot, complete with typical 'shaadi karvado' parents.
Based on a series of credit card scams that originated from Jamtara in Jharkhand, this series is an eye-opener to the small crimes in India.
This funny story about a small-town middle-class family will make you feel nostalgic and happy.
Set in the summer of 1998, this web series takes you back to the simpler times of childhood, when problems seemed big but weren't really.
Trained by their father in a small town, these two young brothers are ready to take on the national cricket scene in India.