When it comes to healthy and heavy breakfast, how can sprouts be ignored. Sprouts are considered a good source of nutrients. It is rich in fiber, so after eating it, you do not feel hungry for a long time.

Sprouts contain high amounts of enzymes, which help in proper functioning of metabolic processes and chemical reactions. They also contain fiber, which helps in digesting food.

Consuming sprouts helps in the development of red blood cells in the body along with good amount of iron and copper, which increases blood circulation in the body and makes it easier to deliver oxygen to the organs and cells.

By consuming sprouts, you can keep your weight under regular control, because sprouts have low calorie content and high protein content, due to which you can always keep your weight under control.

Sprouts contain vitamin C, which helps in the development of white blood cells in the body. White blood cells are helpful in fighting infections and diseases in the body.

Sprouts contain fiber and protein along with vitamin A, which is helpful in improving your eyesight. Sprouts also contain antioxidant agents, which help protect your eyes from cell particles.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in sprouts which help in increasing your good cholesterol level and reduce harmful cholesterol from the blood vessels and arteries.

Sprouts have high levels of vitamin D, minerals, and protein, which makes its consumption very beneficial for our body.