Total Solar Eclipse Of 2024: In North America, there will be the second total solar eclipse in seven years on April 8. In a solar eclipse, the Moon will come between the Earth and the Sun, due to which the Sun’s light will not reach the Earth and the entire Earth will be covered in darkness. This is called a Solar Eclipse.
The total solar eclipse will occur in Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico at 11:07 a.m. (1:07 a.m. EDT) and last 4 minutes and 20 seconds. After this, the total solar eclipse will pass over two cities of America, Durango and Coahuila. About 32 million people in America alone will come in the path of this solar eclipse. This solar eclipse is one of the eclipses seen by most people.
Before we proceed further, it is important to know that it is not safe to view a solar eclipse with direct eyes, except for a few moments when the Moon completely covers the Sun. Use protective eye equipment to safely view a solar eclipse. To know more methods, read this article completely.
What is a total solar eclipse?

When the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun, the Sun’s light does not reach the Earth, due to which the Earth becomes dark, this is called a solar eclipse. The Moon is approximately 400 times smaller than the Sun, yet a total solar eclipse occurs because the Moon is close to the Earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when both the Sun and the Moon appear at the same size in the sky.
How dark will it be during the eclipse?
The Moon will move forward covering a small part of the Sun’s edge, this is called a partial solar eclipse, and then gradually it will cover the entire Sun, this is called a total solar eclipse. The entire phenomenon of solar eclipse lasts for about 2 hours or more.
According to NASA, this time this incident may last for 70 to 80 minutes.
When the Moon completely covers the Sun’s surface, it is called totality. This phenomenon can be seen only with the naked eye.
The time of totality varies from place to place, in the month of April its time will be more than 4 minutes, in other months it lasts only for 2 minutes.
In the event of totality, the sky will become as dark as night and the temperature will also drop. White stars of light will be visible from the Sun’s outer atmosphere. Some lucky people can also see a red-pink ring on the edges of the Moon. Sun’s Corona (outer atmosphere) There is an atmospheric layer below it, it is called chromosphere. Its color comes due to the presence of hydrogen.
After a total solar eclipse, if the Sun slowly moves forward, we will see some part of the Sun. This is called a partial solar eclipse and this phenomenon will continue to happen until the Sun completely illuminates the sky.
When will the eclipse begin and end?

The solar eclipse will begin thousands of kilometers southwest of Mexico’s Pacific coast. The solar eclipse will begin at 9:51 a.m. local time in Mazatlán and the total solar eclipse will begin at 11:07 a.m. and will last for 4 minutes and 20 seconds.
It will cross the Texas border and pass into Mexico at 1:10 pm. In the United States, the total solar eclipse will begin at 2:27 pm and end at 3:33 pm. In Canada, the solar eclipse can be seen for about three hours in the afternoon.
The solar eclipse ends when the Sun sets over the Atlantic Ocean, passing the borders of Canada.
How can I watch the solar eclipse safely?
In general, avoid viewing the solar eclipse with the naked eye because it can damage the eyesight. We have many options to view the eclipse. The cheapest options include glasses and paper solar viewers to view the solar eclipse. It is important to inspect the equipment purchased. Throw away any equipment that is damaged or scratched.
According to NASA, do not use any other optical devices while using paper viewers or glasses as it is not safe to view the Sun using them. To view the eclipse through a camera, telescope, or binoculars, you should use a solar filter.
You can see a total solar eclipse with the naked eye only. Use protective equipment to view a partial solar eclipse.
What will happen if the eclipse is seen with the naked eye?
When we look at the Sun with naked eyes, we see blurred or distorted vision in front of our eyes. Looking at the Sun with naked eyes during a solar eclipse can also cause permanent damage to the eyes such as reduced vision or blind spots.
There is no pain of any kind in the retina of the eyes, so you will not feel it. When the Sun moves from a total eclipse to a partial eclipse, the Sun’s rays will fall directly on our eyes, which can cause damage to our eyes. For this, use protective eye equipment.
When is the next total solar eclipse?
The next solar eclipse is on 12 August 2026. This solar eclipse will be visible in some places in Greenland, Portugal, Iceland, and Spain. In the United States, the eclipse will occur after a long time, while some places in Alaska will experience a solar eclipse in the year 2033.
other states, the solar eclipse will occur on August 22, 2044, and this phenomenon will also be visible in some parts of Canada.
The solar eclipse on August 12, 2045, will begin in California and travel east to Florida
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
How many types of solar eclipses are there?
Solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun. While revolving around the Earth, the Moon sometimes moves closer and sometimes moves away. According to this distance, solar eclipse is generally of 4 types: partial eclipse, annular eclipse, hybrid eclipse, and total eclipse.
Where are the best places to view the eclipse?
The total solar eclipse will be visible in the US, Mexico, and Canada. The longest duration of this eclipse can be seen in Mexico. The solar eclipse will be visible in Mexico for 4 minutes and 20 seconds.
How fast does the solar eclipse move?
When we see a solar eclipse, it appears to be happening very slowly but when we see the moon’s shadow, it moves very fast on the Earth. According to the eclipse calculator, the speed of the shadow is approximately 1560 mph to 1600 mph. middle while the speed of the eclipse will be more than 6000 mph
When was the last total solar eclipse in the United States?
According to the American Astronomical Society, total solar eclipses occur once every year or so, but they can be seen only in certain parts of the Earth. Sometimes solar eclipses also occur in places that cannot be easily reached.
A total solar eclipse will be seen in this part about once in 400 years, but there are some places where it is visible several times.
A total solar eclipse was seen in Southern Illinois of the United States on August 21, 2017, and this time in April too, a total solar eclipse was seen. An annular solar eclipse was visible in the city of San Antonio in October last year and will be visible this year too
Will the total solar eclipse 2024 be visible in India?
On April 8, 2024, no one will see the eclipse in India as well as in the Asian continent because this eclipse will be visible only in those areas where the Sun rises and the shadow of the Moon is visible.
Do solar eclipses occur on other planets also?
Yes, other planets in our solar system also experience solar eclipses. They have a moon. The moons of other planets appear smaller or bigger than the Sun. Only the Earth has a moon of the right distance and size.
In the year 2004, a solar eclipse was caused by the moons of Ganymede, Io, and Callisto on the planet Jupiter.
The solar eclipse was caused by the moon Epimetheus on Saturn.
What changes will happen on Earth during the eclipse?
As the Sun gets closer to a total eclipse, the sky will become hazy, the air will become cooler and the shadows will become brighter. When the total eclipse occurs, the entire Earth will be covered in darkness.
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